
Go on an adventure

This is what we're young for, to live and go on adventures. No matter if better or worse, it's all an experience we learn from. And I'm sure it's always a positive thing.

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As scared as I am of flying, I took some 32h flights to the States and stayed for a few weeks, and that's mostly why I didn't post much on January, not on the blog or instagram. Had the best time of my life, though! If you never try, you'll never know! Amazing things are waiting for you outside your comfort zone 

Still some pictures of my last trip! Can you tell I was happy? =D Well I was! Loved the twilight on the west coast, and my tiny cozy motel room. I surely miss this place!

But right after I got back, I got a job at the Madrid Fashion Show, where I met a lof of amazing people, some became true friends that I'm really glad I met! And as you can see, I also got to take a picture with the great Adolfo Dominguez! I had an opportunity to stay on the backstage and help the models get dressed during the stress of the show!

After that, we just got hired for the Madrid Fashion Week as I told you before! Suuuuuch an awesome experience. Would do it again for sure!

 This crystal amazing corset was designed by the spanish designer Maya Hansen in a collaboration with Swarovsky. It's hard not to fall in love with these pieces when they shine so hard *-*

After whatever that might seem a bad day, just keep in mind that life is better when you're laughing, it all seems to lose importance and you get to see the good things instead of the bad. If you have someone that can make you laugh in the darkest times, don't ever lose them!

What is Saturday other than a day for over sleep, a warm cup of tea and a quiet walk around downtown with friends? 

And after all this movement, we have to settle down again! And get back to workout and a healthy lifestyle. I got that arm bracelet as my Secret Santa's present and I can't tell you how much I love it!! it has a little pocket to keep your key on too, so I really don't have any excuse to go out for a morning run anymore! =D
And last but not least, my recent trip to Barelona, from which I just came back from. It was intense and express, dissapointing in some ways, but just like I said before, either for better or worse, it was an adventure and an amazing experience, where I got to meet one of the bloggers I've followed since forever, Adriana from Fake-Leather. I'm sure you're already know her, but I just need to point out how lovely she is. She doesn't only have a great style, and lots of talent, but she's also a great person! 

- Hannah's Heels

5 comentarios:

  1. very nice photos)))!


  2. Sounds like you've had an amazing mix of adventures, shame Barcelona wasn't your favourite time but it's still lovely to have been there like you said x
    Freya's Fashion Chapter

  3. Te ha decepcionado Barcelona? :(
    Las fotos muy chulas!

    un besito!


    1. Nono para nada! Barcelona me ha encantado!

      Salí decepcionada de la entrevista por la cual fui hasta ahi jajaja

  4. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.


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